Video: Overview of EEG Neurofeedback

By training the brain with EEG (electroencephalograph) neurofeedback, we can improve mood, behavior, and performance of the brain. Many varieties of neurofeedback can also help difficult issues, such as trauma and obsessions.

I've studied neurofeedback with Mike Cohen, a gifted teacher. In this simple video he explains how EEG neurofeedback works and how EEG neurofeedback can help you or your family member.

Like the EKG or ECG (electrocardiogram), which is used to show the electrical activity of the heart, the EEG shows the subtle electrical activity of the brain.

EEG neurofeedback is non-invasive, which means that it is not adding anything to your brain. It does NOT introduce any electrical charge to the brain or scalp. It is safe.

The EEG neurofeedback system simply reads what is happening with very sensitive sensors. The system then process this data and shows the brain feedback, usually using sounds and visuals, such as a movie. As this visual and sound feedback changes, the brain is receiving information about its own performance.

The visual and sound feedback helps the brain learn about its own changing behavior from moment to moment. This learning is actually the brain changing itself. The person watching the visual and sound feedback doesn't have to do anything. This is a game for the brain! The brain figures it out below the level of consciousness.

Video: EEG Neurofeedback with Mike Cohen

I also use pirHEG (passive infrared hemoencephalography), a different style of neurofeedback. Much of what Mike says about EEG neurofeedback applies to other forms of neurofeedback, like pirHEG, even though the feedback methods are quite different.

I offer neurofeedback in my Glen Burnie office. In some cases, I can also make visits to your home or office.

Contact me to learn more about whether neurofeedback could help you.
